Tag: Uighurs

British Journalist questions Muslim nations’ silence over Chinese treatment Uyghur Muslims

British Journalist questions Muslim nations’ silence over Chinese treatment Uyghur Muslims

A noted British journalist, Nick Cohen has questioned the silence of Muslim nations over China's continuous atrocities carried out against Uyghur Muslims, saying that these nations only use the idea of Muslim solidarity when it suits them."The main reason why Muslims suffer in silence is that the Muslim-majority countries that raged against Rushdie, Jyllands-Posten and Charlie Hebdo have decided to stay silent. They use the idea of Muslim solidarity only when it suits them," Cohen said. "In July 2019, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria and other Muslim-majority states that pose as defenders of the faith helped to block a western motion at the United Nations calling for China to allow 'independent international observers' into the Xinjiang region”, he said."Ira
Is Xi’s persecution of China’s Uighur Muslims a genocide in the making?

Is Xi’s persecution of China’s Uighur Muslims a genocide in the making?

From the mid-1970s Deng Xiaoping and his successors sought consensus at home and trade and rapprochement with the west after the abominations of Mao’s “cultural revolution”. There was a golden moment when even this one-party state might have been negotiable, but it was tragically crushed when the tanks rolled into Tiananmen Square on 4 June 1989.Even then, however, it was tyranny tempered by trade, capitalism and a degree of circumspection, including term limits on communist party bosses. By contrast, XI is an unfettered emperor in the tradition of Mao.The world now faces not a pragmatic one-party state but a doctrinaire one-man dictatorship. And the dictator, into his second decade of power, is determined to stamp out latent as well as actual dissent, even at the price of western trade an
China violates human rights of its citizens but urges US to secure human rights of ethnic minorities

China violates human rights of its citizens but urges US to secure human rights of ethnic minorities

While several human right organizations continue to report gross mistreatment of thousands of Uighur Muslims and Hong Kong citizens in China, Chinese Foreign Ministry has urged the United States to secure the human rights of ethnic minorities in the country.Zhao Lijian, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, during a press conference said: “We are following the latest developments of the situation following the death of George Floyd. ‘Black lives matter.’ Their human rights should be protected. Racial discrimination against ethnic minorities remains a social ill in the US. What is happening right now once again shows the seriousness of racial discrimination and violent law enforcement by the police, and the urgency for the US to address them.”“We hope the US government will take concrete m
US warns companies of potential risks from human rights-related Chinese entities

US warns companies of potential risks from human rights-related Chinese entities

In an advisory, the US State Department has warned American companies of the potential exposure they could face from maintaining supply chains with entities that engage in human rights abuses including the forced labor of Uighurs, ethnic Kyrgyz, ethnic Kazakhs and other Muslim minority groups, in China’s Xinjiang region and beyond."Today, the U.S. Department of State, along with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is issuing an advisory to caution businesses about the risks of supply chain links to entities that engage in human rights abuses, including forced labor in Xinjiang and elsewhere in China," the State Department said in a statement."Since 2017, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has ramped up its campai
China forcing birth control on Uyghur women to suppress population

China forcing birth control on Uyghur women to suppress population

In an attempt to limit the population of Muslim Uyghurs in western Xinjiang region, the Chinese government is forcing women into birth control or fitting in them contraceptive devices, according to a new research published on June 29.This comes even as the government encourages some of the country's Han majority to have more children.While individual women have spoken out before about forced birth control, the practice is far more widespread and systematic than previously known, said the report based on government statistics, state documents and interviews with 30 ex-detainees, family members and a former detention camp instructor.The campaign over the past four years in the far west region of Xinjiang is leading to what some experts are calling a form of "demographic genocide."The state r...
Uighurs in Xinjiang face grave health hazards as China conducts nuclear tests

Uighurs in Xinjiang face grave health hazards as China conducts nuclear tests

Forced labour, persecution, and political indoctrination are not the only things Uighurs in China’s Xinjiang are suffering from.  Nuclear tests near to Uighur populations are the new addition leading to thousands of death.The US State Department, in the month of April, said in a report that China may have secretly conducted low-yield underground nuclear tests at Lop Nur test site despite claiming to observe an international pact banning such blasts.The report further claimed extensive excavation activity being carried out at Lop Nur throughout 2019. Though the test might come as a surprise for international community, for Uighurs it is just another one added to the long list of nuclear tests that have been conducted at Lop Nur.Urumqi, Turpan, Qumul and Korla are cities with Uighur populati