Tag: Andaman and Nicobar Island

Andaman & Nicobar Islands can be centre point of connecting strategic line of maritime hubs to tackle China

Andaman & Nicobar Islands can be centre point of connecting strategic line of maritime hubs to tackle China

While the world is grappling with the coronavirus pandemic, China is not leaving any opportunity to take over territories and off late, its aggressiveness can be seen at the East China Sea, South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.One way to tackle Chinese maritime aggression could be by fully equipping ports and islands in a way to make them strategic outposts which would help monitor the naval activities combining it with an integrated surveillance network which would give all the countries tactical leverage in the various regional seas.Chinese aggression in the international waters was witnessed this year in several instances. In April, a Vietnamese fishing vessel in the South China Sea was sunk by a Chinese ship, a stand-off between a Chinese survey ship and Malaysian oil exploration ship ...